The ongoing development of media training facilities in Erewash has taken a further step after the unveiling of a commemorative plaque.
Nicky Donovan, Programme Manager from DHL UK Foundation visited the Erewash Sound Media Centre on Tuesday 5th February to see the new training studio funded by a grant from the foundation and met young presenters during an ongoing session.
The state-of-the-art facility was officially opened by broadcaster Pete Allen in September of last year.
The Erewash Sound Academy offers a variety of training opportunities including those leading to NCFE level accreditation and has already given training to individuals that have acquired a wide range of skills to take up paid jobs both within and outside the broadcasting industry, however the provision of the studio by DHL UK Foundation will take a particular focus on training young people.
The Academy also trains people of all ages who continue to take to the air and work behind the scenes at the radio station – a community interest company run largely by volunteers – which came on air on a full time basis in March 2010 using a licence issued by the broadcast regulator OFCOM.
Work is ongoing to install a second transmitter to cover the Erewash area more broadly, and to extend the existing radio licence to March 2025. Further announcements on these two elements will be made as soon as possible.